The chart below shows the twenty-year performance of the primary emerging market country MSCI indices, as well as the MSCI EM index and the S&P 500. During the 2002-2012 decade, the S&P500 underperformed the MSCI EM Index as well as every major country in the index. The opposite occurred from 2012-June 2023, as the S&P500 soarer while EM languished. Only tech-heavy Taiwan and India managed positive returns over this period.
Two Decades of Index Returns for Emerging Markets and the S&P500
In the chart below, this divergence of returns is explained in detail by changes in valuation parameters (CAPE ratios, cyclically adjusted price earnings) and dollar-denominated earnings growth. There are two primary conclusion from this analysis. First, CAPE ratios have gone full circle. S&P500 CAPE ratios started high in 2002, edged down through 2012 and then soared back to very high levels over the past decade. Global EM CAPE ratios started low, went up to high levels in 2012 and then went right back to where they started. As for earnings, for the S&P500, coming out of recession in 2002, earnings growth for the first decade was high and then moderate for the second decade (propped up by low interest rates and tax cuts). EM earnings were very high for the first decade and flat to negative for the second decade, with the exception of tech-heavy Taiwan. (Argentina should be taken with a grain of salt, as numbers are distorted by exchange controls)
The last column to the right in the chart above shows expected returns for the next seven years. The three countries with the highest expected return -Colombia, Chile and Turkey – have returned to the valuation levels they had in 2002 after reaching very high levels in both 2007 and 2012. Brazil’s CAPE ration went from 5.1 in 2002 to 12.9 in 2012 (after peaking at 32.1 in 2007!) and is now at 9.7. Similar to Brazil, the Philippines and Peru now have CAPE ratios well below 2012 but not nearly as low as in 2002. The two most expensive markets – the S&P500 and India – have CAPE ratios well above 2005 and 2012, both at near record levels.
Earnings growth in dollars for most EM countries was extraordinarily good between 2002 and 2012 and dismal in the 2012-June 2023 period, even considering the big surge in earnings in 2022 experienced by commodity producers (Chile and Brazil.) Poor earnings growth is explained by a strong dollar, low commodity prices and intense competition for manufacturing nations in a depressionary global environment. Surprisingly, despite an appreciating currency and a significant tech sector, China had negative 0.7% annualized earnings growth during this period.
The expected returns displayed in the chart above assume that earnings will grow in line with nominal GDP growth for all countries. This also assumes that the currencies will be stable relative to the dollar. Given the current direction of China and its large weight in the MSCI Index, this may be an overly optimistic assumption which exaggerates potential returns for global emerging markets.