If China’s Boom is Over, Where Will Demand for Commodities Come From?

China’s economy has experienced a multi-decade period of high growth, similar to “miracle” surges previously witnessed by other countries. Today’s wealthy nations once went through these surges as well: the U.K., the U.S., and Germany in the late 19th century; and Japan in the early 20th century and again in the 1960s. Various developing countries have also seen periods of so-called “miracle” growth, such as Brazil and Mexico in the 1960s, and Korea, Taiwan, and Malaysia since the 1970s, with China starting its own in the 1990s. A significant contributor to these periods of accelerated growth is a broad and powerful one-time build-out of physical infrastructure. This will be especially true in China, which has witnessed one of the greatest construction booms in history.

The amount of infrastructure investment undertaken by China is breathtaking. For example, Shanghai had four crossings of the Huangpu River in 1980 and now boasts 17. Shanghai did not possess a subway system in 1980, and now it encompasses over 800 kilometers of lines, making it the world’s longest. China claims eight of the top ten longest subway systems globally, with a total extension of 9,700 kilometers across 45 cities. In comparison, the U.S. has 1,400 km of subway lines in 16 cities. Since 2000, China has constructed 38,000 km of high-speed train lines, more than tripling the amount built by Europe since 1980. China’s National Trunk Highway System, primarily built over the past 20 years, now totals 160,000 km, compared to the 70,000 km of the U.S. Interstate Highway System.

China’s construction boom over the past decades can be measured by its share of the world’s production of basic building materials. For example, China consistently produced more than half of the total world cement output over the past decade, securing 56% in 2019. China also commands a similar share of the world’s steel output, reaching 57% in 2020, according to the American Iron and Steel Institute (AISI). The chart below illustrates China’s increasing share of world steel output, surpassing the level the U.S. had at the end of World War II.

The following chart displays steel output since 1950, with China’s ramp-up beginning in 2000.

Major infrastructure expansions do not need to be repeated. For instance, New York City’s infrastructure (bridges, tunnels, highways, subway system) was largely completed by the 1920s, and the bulk of the U.S. highway system was constructed between 1959 and 1972. The London Underground and the Paris Metro were built before the First World War, and France established most of Europe’s best high-speed train network between 1980 and 2000. The chart below illustrates this historical process and how it has impacted the production of steel in countries undergoing these surges in investment. Steel production surged in Europe in the late 19th century (railroads, steamboats, bridges, etc.) and again in the 1920s and 1930s (automobile infrastructure) and finally in the post-World War II “Golden Years.” The U.S. followed a similar path but also had a massive expansion of automobile infrastructure in the 1950-1970 period due to suburbanization and interstate highways. Brazil experienced an infrastructure boom in the 1960-1980 period, as did Korea in the 1970s. Invariably, these booms come to an end, and steel output plateaus, tapers, and eventually decreases.

The following table presents this data in percentage terms, with the total increase in steel output for the previous ten years. The data shows that multi-decade expansions in steel output are not uncommon: Europe and Japan (1970-1900); U.S. (1970-1940); Japan (1930-1970); Germany (1950-1980); Brazil (1950-1990); and Korea (1950-2010). China has been expanding steel output since the 1950s, which provided a high base for the mammoth expansion since 1980. India has been growing output at a swift rate even before reforms were launched in the 1980s, and it is already, with over 100 million in annual steel output, at a much higher level than China was when it started its “miracle” phase of economic growth.

Eighty-seven percent of the increase in world steel production over the past 22 years occurred in China, raising the question of which countries can pick up the slack if China’s construction boom is over. The hope is that India and emerging Southeast Asia can step up. Assuming China’s steel output remains flat, to maintain the 3.5% annual increase in global steel demand of the past twenty years, it will be necessary for India, Vietnam, Indonesia, and a few more high-growth economies to more than double their steel output every decade.


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